Confirmation is one of the three sacraments of initiation. In the Latin Rite (Roman) Catholic Church, this sacrament is typically received during adolescence. Upon receiving it (if it is the final sacrament of initiation), one is considered a Catholic in full communion with the Church.
Confirmation invokes the fulness of the Holy Spirit upon each candidate, asking God to bring to completion the good work that He started in them in baptism (giving them more faith, hope, and love) and also bestowing upon them the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, to aid them in being witnesses to the beauty, truth, and goodness of Christ and His Church.
Confirmation is meant to be a launching point in the lives of those who receive it - to propel them to live their Catholic faith as a faithful witness to the hope that is in them (1 Pet. 3:15). Through the outpouting of the Holy Spirit, the confirmandi are sent forth to be Christ to and for others, living lives of examplary virtue, service, and love.
Confirmation for those under 18 requires two years of preparation. If not enrolled at our school, students should have received two consecutive years of religious education (RE), either at our parish or another, and complete all required projects (i.e. saint report, service project) to demonstrate their grasp of the Catholic faith and their assent to all it encompasses. Students normally begin this preparation during their 7th grade year. After completing the requisite two year preparation and other requirements, a candidate is then presented for confirmation in October of their 9th grade year.
Adults who have not been confirmed are invited to prepare for this sacrament by joining us for a semester (or more) of our Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) class. For more information, please click on the following link: RCIA information.